вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

faggot is you

Wow, for some reason I really thought about this website and none of us dont use it anymore lol. SO I figured I start using it again. I forget all the time that this is the wbesite we used to use all the time before myspace. Lol. Damn myspace. Well update. So sadly some friends and I are planning to better ourselves...totally started a diet today...did eat as much as usual. We are planning to actual do stuff when we hang out not just sit at on the couch and smoke hookah and drink. But actually do stuff. Also not drink tell halloween. Even then I dont think Im gonna drink. Its like once I turned 21, drinking lost its appeal lol....but its cool. Im still not working, and its cool but im kinda getting bored with life I kinda feel like a loser but whatever....

well thats all for now love ya


audio diamond m6, faggot is you.

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