понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

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Hereapos;s more crap about Prop 8 - directly from the ad. Though Iapos;m paraphrasing.

"The high court went against the votes of 4 million people."

Yeah - guess what. Thatapos;s their job. Not to enforce the will of the people, but to make sure that all laws are being applied fairly and equally to all people. We could pass a law that says all left handed people need to where purple shirts, and since left-handed people are only 10 of the population (or less), thereapos;s a good chance it could pass. And the high courts would strike it down.

Our founding fathers were afraid of a king - an individual with absolute power. But they also (rightfully) were worried about mob rule (or, another king, known as King Mob). So they empowered the (land-owning men) as best as they could, and let them vote, and then put together the court system - a grouping of individuals who are learned in law, whose job is to judge the laws to make sure they are being enacted fairly for the times in which they are being applied.

The executive branch executes the will of the people. Judges? They make sure the law is fair. (In theory.)

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